Whether you’re a nonprofit looking for volunteers, an individual looking for opportunities, or a corporate group looking to give back to the community, United Way of Central New York’s VolunteerCNY is here to serve you.
For Individuals
To search for a volunteer opportunity, visit volunteercny.org and create a free account.
With volunteercny.org, you can find an opportunity that matches your skills, interests and availability. You can also track and manage your volunteer hours, provide feedback on your volunteer experience, and find out about special volunteer events and awards. New opportunities are added all the time, so be sure to check back frequently.
For Businesses
Starting an employee volunteer program
The United Way of Central New York Volunteer Center can help your company get its employee volunteer program off the ground, whether you need help getting management support, providing employees with volunteer opportunities, recording hours, or recognizing your volunteers. We can provide you with handy resources through our affiliation with the Points of Light Institute and help you figure out a program that works best for your organization.
Want to coordinate a large-scale volunteer day with your organization’s employees? We’ll walk you through the process beginning to end, from choosing a project and coordinating volunteers to evaluating the end result. Please allow 60-90 days of advance planning.
For Agencies
To get volunteers in your door, we’ll get the word out—online, in the paper, over the phone, or in person. Want proof? The Volunteer Center raised $1,102,309.04 in volunteer time in 2016—that’s 39,284 hours of service!
Volunteer managers have a rewarding job—but also a demanding one! We can provide resources on designing volunteer positions, creating a volunteer application process, volunteer retention, and working with youth, seniors or skilled volunteers.
volunteer opportunities for businesses
Thank you for your interest in a group volunteer opportunity. Please take a moment to complete the following questions and we will connect you to an opportunity to help you make a positive impact in the community.
volunteer opportunities for agencies
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